Captain Luke MacArthur has his orders: hunt down two of the quietest submarines in the world.

A deadly weapon of the Soviet Union in the Cold War: the Kilo Class submarine. It’s known as the Black Hole for a good reason. Iran intends to use two of these boats to choke off the Gulf oil supply by blockading the Straits of Hormuz.

But Captain Luke MacArthur holds an ace: command of the most powerful submarine in the Royal Navy, HMS Holy Ghost. Dark fate has chosen his encounter point: the straits at the southern entrance of the Red Sea, known as the Gate of Grief.

On his mission, Luke faces a personal dilemma in the form of sultry Savita, his Weapons Officer, who is sending out flirtatious signals. The duty of command means that he shouldn’t respond, although he wants to. He knows he’s in danger of becoming a moth to her flame.

Join the crew of the HMS Holy Ghost and help Luke to hunt down shadows in the night: the Kilo Class; the Black Hole.

What Amazon readers are saying about the book:

★★★★★ ‘As real as it gets! I’m a former Sonarman, retired Navy Mustang now. This brought back so many Cold War memories! A great read and I can’t thank you enough for being a contributor to the Unlimited side of the house. Truly an awesome naval yarn that is closer to reality than many would ever expect!’

★★★★★ ‘Another suspenseful book! You wanted to keep reading to see what happens next.’

★★★★★ ‘Extremely entertaining! Very well written, terrific storyline.’

★★★ ‘This is the second book I’ve read by Mr Makk. I found them to be a good read. The fighting scenes are well done and intense, making you feel the tenseness of the crew during the attack and defensive moves to stay alive.’

★★★★★ ‘Good story. Flowed well.’

★★★★ ‘Pretty good read here. Very enjoyable.’

★★★★ ‘A potential headline story. A submarine thriller that could quite possibly become a reality. The nuclear missile crises are present today and could very well happen.’

★★★★ ‘Good, quick read. An interesting tale about a sub chase. Good explanation of the internal activities preparing for contact… I will read more from Mr Makk.’

★★★★★ ‘Kept my attention. I learned something about submarines and warfare to boot.’

★★★★ ‘War in the ocean – good stuff. Another in this upcoming author’s series of books. Entertainment with a twist.’

★★★★★ ‘Characters were interesting and realistic. The story was believable, patriotic without being political, and appropriate, as I read it on July 4th.’

★★★★★ ‘If anyone ever thought The Hunt for Red Octoberwas suspenseful, they have not yet experienced reading HMS Holy Ghost. It is a lone, though sparkling, new sub against two Russian Kilo Class subs and two frigates in the ultimate cat v mouse game. I love these submarine suspense thrillers of Stephen Makk. They should be required reading for all adrenaline junkies as they are guaranteed to take you on a ride of your life. Enjoy!’