Irina Petrenko, a Soviet naval officer, faces Ragnarok: the end of the world. Can she prevail?
There are signs of a thaw in the Cold War, and not all are happy with it. On both sides of the Iron Curtain, shadowy groups and factions of the KGB lurk and bide their time. Beneath the swamp of deceit, the East and West have joined forces. But nuclear war looms.
Irina uncovers an apocalyptic secret: the cabal, an extremist organisation in the Soviet Union, has contacted its counterparts and the military-industrial complex in the West.
In Alaska, 269 souls board a fateful Korean Airlines flight to Seoul. Drawn in, innocent and unknowing, they’ll be the first victims of the struggle.
It’s time to face the foe. The cabal has messed with the wrong people. Irina’s partner, Tom Hilton, leads the British Special Forces against cabal units. MI6 and the Soviet submarine Arkhangelsk, with Irina in command, are in action again. They will give no quarter.
Join Irina and Tom now in the harsh North Pacific as they battle to prevent Armageddon.